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March 22, 2025: Question
Posted by Ronyx

Question: Do I have a visitor to The Mustard Jar who is associated with theater, particularly a community theater company? I wrote a play that has been gathering dust in a file folder for ten years. A friend challenged me to write it, and I did. I never published it, and I did make one attempt to submit it to a playwriting contest. I just thought I would reach out and see if anyone has a contact with theater that might want to read it and share with me their opinion. I write gay teen fiction, and ironically this play centers around a lesbian couple. I wrote it at the time gay marriage was a nationwide issue. Please don't write and ask to just read it. Maybe someday I will post it here. Right now, I am only interested in hearing from someone directly involved with theater. Thanks, Ronyx.

March 15, 2025: Story Rewind
Posted by Ronyx

Story Rewind

Stuff People Do

Theme: gay conversion therapy

Matt Stevens is a normal sixteen-year-old. He goes to school and makes good grades. Even though he is being raised in an extremely religious home, he manages to do well. Then, unexpectedly, his life takes an abrupt turn late one night when his best friend, Ricky, kisses him while wrestling on the bed. Matt starts to question his own sexuality, and he begins to realize he is gay. His life starts to spiral out of control, leading to many unexpected twists and turns.  


March 11, 2025: It's that time again
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,


While this is not a good time to be asking for money, unfortunately, we have several domain fees coming due, and finances are extremely tight. Our sites run on your donations and, unfortunately, mainly out of our own pockets. Due to the higher costs of everything our pockets are in not so great shape as wel. We are also determined to keep our sites ad-free and free of Premium Levels! However, we can only continue to do this with your help. So please click on the Donate button or this link and give what you can. Any donation, big or small, will be greatly appreciated and go a long way to keep the work of these amazing authours reachable.


TSL for the Fort Family Admins.

January 24, 2025: Story Rewind
Posted by Ronyx

Story Rewind

Other Sinful Things 

Theme: transgender identity and religion

Jacob Long is the obedient preacher's son. His father is a religious zealot who interprets the Bible to conform with his narrow and bigoted views of sin. When a transgender student, Tiffany Martin, enrolls in his high school, Jacob is faced with the moral dilemma of deciding between the teachings of his father or what he feels within his heart 

December 11, 2024: Story Rewind
Posted by Ronyx


Story Rewind

Np Mpre Rainbows 

Theme: coming out and parental acceptance

Artie's world is turned upside down when his father gets arrested for a sex crime. His family is torn apart by the incident. Add to the equation his own budding sexuality and his efforts to hide it from a hostile mother, and you have a story with love and hate, fear and courage, conflict and reconciliation.

November 4, 2024: Story Rewind
Posted by Ronyx

Story Rewind

Losing Kevin

Theme: coming out and peer pressure

What would you do if you were an identical twin, a carbon copy of someone else, but yet different in one way? Losing Kevin is the story of twin brothers, Devin and Kevin. They shared a brotherly love until Kevin’s love for someone else almost tore them apart.

September 16, 2024: Normal
Posted by Ronyx

Short Story Rewind



Jake wants to invite his best friend, Dominic, to the prom. However, it isn't the normal thing to do. After a game of spin the wheel, does he finally get the nerve to ask him?

August 21, 2024: Story Rewind
Posted by Ronyx

Story Rewind

Love, Dreams, and Darkness: Photography by Seanen Middleton – Scene360

Taking Off the Mask

Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. -James Baldwin

Theme: coming out

At sixteen, James has an almost perfect life. Then two boys enter his life and turn it upside down. Dion is a shy boy who James can't understand. Donovan is the star basketball player who James admires. Read how an incident with one boy will bring him closer to the other as masks are slowly removed.

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